The school counsellor

Hello, my name is Gonul Dirican, I am one of two counsellors at Sirius College Eastmeadows Secondary. I started in Term 4, 2018.

Students come to see me for a variety of issues including mental health, family, friendships, self-esteem, bullying, emotions or other concerns.

Mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel and act. Mental health is important at every stage of life from childhood to adolescence through to adulthood.

How do students see the school counsellor?

Students can self-refer, or a parent or teacher can refer. At Sirius college, counselling is FREE. I am located in the portables in the Student Support Office. Feel free to come in and say Hello!!

Gonul Dirican
School Counsellor